May 13, 2010

Tower filled with a microwave radio antenna at Tanah Mas

Seen two telecommunication towers used for cellular networks. on the right is not a lot of radio equipment is installed, but on the left looks so much radio equipment installed. Radio equipment used in pairs on the cellular tower is a microwave radio antenna, radio antenna GSM, 3G radio antenna.Number of installed devices is determined by the needs of a complex network to a cellular network, a tower may be able to contain a microwave radio links and three GSM antenna sector or also called end point site. If a tower has more than one radio link with a different direction, then the tower is called a nodal site. Nodal site can be interpreted as a meeting place for several radio link-end site, then passed to the link for backbone fiber optic or radio backbone.

May 7, 2010

Outdor unit radio at citibank siliwangi smg

SIAE microwave radio can be seen with a diameter of 0,6 meters, these microwave radio used for voice transmission.

Build triangle tower at bri syariah smg

Triangle tower installation reached the last stick, the technician is doing the installation pole for microwave radio.

Generator exhaust misguided

Look direction on the generator exhaust pipe that leads to the outdoor radio devices, the devices have a black mark.

Devices data communication at oriflame smg

From the picture above sequentially from bottom to top:
- Rectifiers
- FCD V.35
- Radio E1

May 4, 2010

Survey LOS Radio Link Mandiri Kepodang Semarang

Pictures taken during the survey LOS microwave radio link to serve the needs of VoIP 100 numbers.

May 1, 2010

UPS Powerware PW9130N2000T-XL at BSC Kudus

The picture above explains about the name plate from the UPS device (un interrupts power supply) that were installed to serve the device with an AC power source.